April 21, 2009

Time at Felsentor

The weekend at Felsentor was wonderful.  A small but energetic group of women came for the workshop and we moved together like silk through the entire program.  The picture on the right shows the rack railroad that you ride to get to the Romiti Felsentor stop after you get off the boat, which takes you close to the top of the mountain.  The picture on the left shows the view from one of the rooms in the house.  All the time, this array of beauty sits in front of you and then disappears into cloud so quickly.

The workshop dealt with Mountains as mountains and mountains as Mountains.  We sat meditation, then wrote in response to the mountain.  The next day we drew pictures in a particular methodology that anyone could do to speak to our archetypes of mountain and life.  We turned into our own mountain range and felt the power of the Rigi Mountain holding us in daily life and in dream.  We had a close sharing of life issues and parted company feeling refreshed and ready to return to daily life carrying the mountain within.

I'm in a big hurry at the moment because I'm off to the Kunsthaus Museum with my daughter to see the Giacometti exhibit.  More later today.